What is BuyingSelling?

International Visibility
It is in your hands to ensure the international accessibility of your products, just like in your locality..

Supplier and manufacturer together
Find products and contact suppliers with one click.
Advantages of using BuyingSelling
With years of experience, in addition to helping you offer your products and services in digital environment, let’s make purchasing departments reach you faster.

More than 100 thousand inquiries per day

Contents and Products
More than 1 million suppliers and products


Mobile Application
Inquiries instantly in your pocket

Posting free jobs

Company Exchange
Free publishing for company buyers, sellers, transfers or co-seekers
Tüm Hizmetleri ve Verileri Sizler için Birleştirdik…

Company Marketplace
We have created the most reliable environment in a single platform for those who buy, sell, transfer or share a company.
We have combined buyers, sellers, and products on one platform. We developed our mobile application for push notifications.

Career / Job Advertisement
You can publish company transfer, partner finding, transfer or take over a company advertisements on the best page of Europe.
SEO Services
Get the best visibility and ranking on Google with edits to your web page and social media account.

The Easiest Form of Online Shopping
We provide all the necessary online facilities to bring you and your customers together in the digital environment. In this way, you will easily feel the improvement on your sales.
With years of experience, we see what you need and offer what is necessary.
We give you the opportunity to benefit from the search engine in a single package, improve your career and benefit from the strategy development with company marketplace analysis.